woman calling while AI call transcription is displayed

AI Transcription: What Is It and How Can It Help Your Business

AircallLast updated on August 14, 2023
6 min

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Human memory does not allow most of us to remember conversations verbatim. And sometimes, recalling the gist of the conversation may not be enough. 

Your sales team needs to remember details. How many pieces of a product are to be ordered, delivery dates, etc. Similarly, the agent handling a customer service call needs to share specifics of the customer’s question with the order fulfillment team. 

Thankfully, today, we have AI transcription tools that can be counted on to get a word-by-word record of every conversation, call or meeting. Let’s take a look at how this can help your business. 

How Does AI Transcription Work?

An AI transcription tool ‘listens’ to a conversation. It then converts speech to text by using Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms. Often used for subtitles and call transcriptions, transcription software uses Machine Learning to identify voices and recognize words. It can even pick up on accents and nuances. 

Source: https://support.aircall.io/hc/en-gb/articles/10375545740701-How-to-use-Call-Transcription

AI-powered tools can generate near-real-time transcription results for live audio and video conversations. They can also be used to transcribe recorded content. Apart from calls, AI transcription can be used to transcribe content for podcasts, videos, Google Meet calls, etc. The voice search on Google too uses AI transcription. 

How Accurate is AI Transcription?

The accuracy of transcribing conversations depends largely on the AI ‘vocabulary’ and the Machine Learning algorithm. The best AI transcription vocabulary expands every time the machine transcribes a conversation. An editor may also feed difficult and technical terms into the system to help train it. 

What Are the Advantages of AI Transcription?

As mentioned above, having an AI transcription service takes the guesswork out of remembering conversation details. Before making follow-up calls to leads, sales agents can go over past call transcripts to refresh their memory. In addition, some of the other advantages of call transcription for customer support and other teams are:

Error-free Call References

There’s always a risk of error with manual notes. Human transcriptions may also be biased. Automated call transcription ensures that call details are saved as mentioned during the conversation. In turn, this helps ensure that customers get what they asked for. Thus it improves the brand's reputation for good customer service.

Increased Productivity

Automated call transcription reduces the need for customer service agents to make manual transcription notes. These minutes can easily add up when you’re handling 100+ calls every day. The saved time can be used to handle more calls, thereby boosting productivity. Support teams can also browse through voicemail transcripts faster. They can identify keywords to route follow-ups to relevant teammates.

Easier Compliance and Conflict Resolution

Automatic transcriptions of a call along with an audio recording file can help with compliance. It acts as proof of what was said by both parties during a conversation. This can be very useful for sorting through “he said, she said” situations.

Discover Learning Opportunities

Call transcriptions can be very valuable for agent training and onboarding. Transcripts of good calls as well as unsuccessful calls can be used as references to coach agents on what to say and what to avoid. Call transcription for sales training also helps uncover the effects of specific keywords and the level of engagement with each call. 

Easier Call Monitoring

It is not possible for supervisors to listen in to every call made and received in the day. Having a transcribed record of calls helps. Supervisors can quickly read through conversations to maintain better control over agent performance and service quality.

Unlock Business Insights

Reading call transcripts can help derive insights into customer needs and the competitive landscape. For example, call transcripts may show that many customers have the same query about a product. This data can be easily shared with product development teams and others to give your business an edge.

Aircall's AI Transcription Features 

Aircall has an integrated AI audio transcription tool in all plans that ensures you don’t miss out on the finer points of any conversation. It can generate accurate transcriptions of conversations between 2 speakers. Some of the key features of Aircall's AI transcription are:

Reliable Transcription

By using a proprietary Machine Learning engine, Aircall provides a highly accurate transcript file for every conversation. It offers a minimum of 85% accuracy. 

Multiple Language Support

The Aircall AI transcription tool can transcribe conversations not only in English but also in French. Businesses dealing with an international customer base can configure the main language independently for each phone number. 

Smart Player

Rather than having to listen to a recorded message from start to finish, Aircall allows users to increase the play speed of recorded messages and video files or skip ahead to review call content faster. Subscribers can save up to 2 hours per agent per week with Aircall AI transcription. 

Instant Processing

Aircall transcribes calls almost as soon as a call ends. The transcription times depend on the length of the call. In most cases, a transcribed version of the conversation can be accessed in 30% of the call duration. This means an agent who finished a 3-minute conversation with a customer can read a transcription of the call less than a minute after disconnecting the call. 


Aircall subscribers can easily copy and share a partial or full copy of a call transcription with other team members during meetings or for training purposes. 

Direct CRM/ Helpdesk links

Source: https://support.aircall.io/hc/en-gb/articles/10375545740701-How-to-use-Call-Transcription

Once integrated, Aircall provides a direct link to call transcriptions in your helpdesk or CRM system to make it easier to find relevant conversations.


What is AI call transcription?

AI transcription is a verbatim textual version of a conversation. It uses recognition to turn sound into written words. Editing may be required depending on the quality of the transcription.

Is AI call transcription legal?

Call transcription is legal in most states as long as both participants are aware of the call being recorded.

Can AI transcriptions be shared?

Transcripts of calls made and received through Aircall numbers can be copied and shared with others.

How accurate is AI transcription?

AI transcription software is fairly accurate depending on the tool’s vocabulary and algorithms. Aircall transcriptions have an accuracy rating of 85% and higher. Other alternatives include Rev, Sonix, Otter, and Fireflies.

What languages does Aircall AI transcription support?

Aircall is the best AI transcription option to transcribe English and French.

Integrating AI Transcription into Your Workflow

Aircall will make it easy to integrate AI transcription into your workflow at affordable pricing. The default setting enables all recorded calls in English and French to be automatically transcribed. That said, this feature can be manually controlled as well. 

The call transcription feature can be configured with a preferred language at a line level for live calls and voicemail messages. Call transcriptions are generated within minutes of finishing a conversation. This can be accessed from the user dashboard. A link to the transcription may also be made available for CRM and Helpdesk integrated systems. 

Sign up for the 7-day free trial today to integrate AI transcriptions into your workflow. 

  • AI powered transcription converts spoken words to readable text.

  • AI transcription can be used for audio files as well as video files

  • Transcripts can provide valuable information for customer service training 

  • AI transcripts by Aircall have a minimum 85% accuracy rate

  • Aircall provides AI transcription services in English and French

Published on August 14, 2023.

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