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Call Centre Workforce Management: Tips and Best Practices

Sophie GaneLast updated on August 16, 2024
8 min

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An unproductive call centre can severely impact your business, leading to frustrated employees, unhappy customers, and even lost revenue. This makes effectively managing your call centre essential for sales and customer support departments.

Call centre workforce management involves strategically planning and organising your team to ensure optimal performance and productivity. This entails scheduling, forecasting, and real-time management. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore why workforce management is so important to running a successful call centre. We’ll also discuss the common challenges call centres face, share detailed best practices, and show how the right software can be a complete solution for your call centre workforce management needs.

Why Workforce Management Is Key to the Success of Your Call Centre

Managing your call centre workforce well helps you maintain high productivity and deliver excellent customer service. This involves accurately forecasting call volumes, scheduling staff efficiently, and managing daily operations to ensure your team is always prepared to meet fluctuating workloads.

Happier and more efficient employees

Employees significantly benefit from well-planned schedules that balance their workloads and reduce stress. Higher levels of organisation lead to greater job satisfaction and increased morale, as team members feel you value their time and effort. 

Happier employees are also more engaged and productive, which directly impacts your call centre's overall performance. A positive work environment also helps retain talent, reduce turnover, and save on recruitment and training costs.

Better forecasting and planning

Accurate forecasting and planning are critical components of effective workforce management. By predicting call volumes and patterns, you can ensure that you have the right number of staff available at peak times without overstaffing during quieter periods.

This optimises resource allocation and improves service by reducing wait times and ensuring customers are attended to promptly. Better planning helps you create a proactive rather than reactive management approach, leading to smoother operations.

Reduced operational costs

Efficient workforce management can also lead to significant cost savings for your call centre. By aligning staffing levels with demand, you avoid the expenses associated with overstaffing and the revenue lost from understaffing.

Proper scheduling reduces the need for overtime and minimises idle time, ensuring that every hour paid is an hour worked. Additionally, tighter operations means fewer errors and less wasted resources, contributing to a healthier bottom line.

Improved customer service 

At the heart of any call centre is the goal to provide excellent service to existing and prospective customers. Effective workforce management ensures that your team is always ready to handle sales and customer support inquiries promptly and professionally.

With the right number of contact centre agents available at the right times, you can increase first-call resolution rates and consequently improve overall customer happiness. Plus, happy customers are more likely to remain loyal to your business and recommend your services to others, driving growth and success for your organisation.

“When I worked with a call centre team, we implemented a workforce management system that revolutionised our operations. By forecasting call volumes and scheduling staff accordingly, we reduced wait times and improved customer satisfaction. This precise alignment of resources ensured that we had the right number of agents at peak times, enhancing productivity and service quality.”
-Richard Dalder, Business Development Manager at Tradervue

4 Challenges of Call Centre Workforce Management

Managing a call centre comes with its own set of challenges. The following obstacles can hinder call centre productivity and negatively impact customer service if you fail to address them. In the next section, we’ll explore best practices to overcome these challenges and optimise your call centre operations.

  1. Accurate forecasting: Jen Seran, Director of Business Operations at Stallion Express, emphasises that “dealing with unpredictable call rates is a big problem that can cause too many or too few employees.” Inaccurate forecasts can lead to overstaffing or understaffing, which can cut into your profits and negatively impact the customer experience. 

  2. Scheduling complexity: Creating schedules that balance business needs with employee preferences is a complex task. Ensuring adequate coverage while accommodating requests for time off and shift swaps requires careful planning and flexibility.

  3. Managing agent workload and training: You need to ensure agents are neither overburdened nor underutilised to maintain morale and productivity. Your employees will struggle when their workload is unbalanced or when they feel they lack the necessary skills to excel in their role. But providing ongoing training to keep agents skilled and informed adds another layer of complexity to your scheduling challenges.

  4. Keeping all your data connected: Integrating various data sources and ensuring seamless communication across systems can be complicated. Disconnected data can lead to inefficiencies, errors, and a lack of real-time insights necessary for better customer service.

5 Best Practices for Effectively Managing Your Call Centre

Implement the following strategies to overcome common challenges and ensure your team operates at peak performance, delivering exceptional customer service every day.

1. Take a customer-centric approach 

Putting your customers at the centre of your call centre operations is crucial for long-term business success. A customer-centric approach involves understanding and anticipating customer needs, delivering personalised service, and continually improving the customer experience. 

To implement this, start by gathering feedback from your customers through surveys, reviews, and direct interactions. Use this information to identify pain points and areas for improvement.

Train your agents to prioritise customer satisfaction and provide them with the tools and resources they need to resolve issues promptly and effectively. Communication channels should also be open and accessible, allowing customers to reach you through their preferred method, whether it’s phone, email, or chat.

2. Leverage data for accurate forecasting and scheduling

Using data to predict call volumes and schedule your staff accurately will help you manage your call centre better, so leverage historical data, trend analysis, and advanced analytics tools to forecast demand. 

This helps you allocate resources effectively, ensuring you have optimal agent availability during peak times while avoiding overstaffing during slower periods. Just make sure to regularly review and adjust your forecasts and agent schedules to account for changes in call patterns and unexpected events.

Aircall’s powerful analytics features can help you optimise staffing and planning in your call centre.

3. Implement real-time monitoring to make adjustments as necessary

No matter how well you forecast workloads, you need to be able to pivot and adjust when things change unexpectedly. So continuously track call metrics and agent performance to identify and address issues as they arise—ensuring smooth operations. To do so, use call centre software to keep an eye on key indicators like call volume, wait times, and call durations.

Says Richard Dalder, Business Development Manager at Tradervue, “Regularly monitor calls and provide constructive feedback to agents. This not only helps improve their performance but also ensures consistent service quality.” This proactive approach helps maintain high service levels and prevents minor issues from escalating into larger problems.

4. Provide ongoing training and development opportunities to your employees

Continuous call centre training and development can help you maintain employee performance and job satisfaction. “Invest in ongoing training programs to ensure agents are well-versed in customer service skills and product knowledge,” recommends Richard. Provide a detailed call centre guide during onboarding, and promote a culture of learning by offering varied and engaging training sessions.

Host regular meetings with representatives from different departments to review calls and share best practices, and encourage upper management to listen to calls and publicly praise agents to boost morale. Make it a common practice to recognise and reward agents for excellent performance and create opportunities for peer discussions about quality. 

5. Track relevant metrics to measure and improve your performance

Tracking the right metrics is essential for measuring and improving call centre performance. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as average time spent on the phone, total calls answered, and calls answered within a specific time frame provide insights into your call centre's efficiency. And monitoring average wait times and missed calls helps identify areas for improvement in customer service.

For sales teams, metrics like conversion rates, average call length, and the speed of answers are crucial. Customer service teams should focus on first-call resolution rates and the percentage of missed calls leading to voicemails. Also pay attention to customer satisfaction, which gives you a more qualitative view of how well your call centre is performing. 

Aircall can help you track important metrics like number of outbound calls so you can measure how well each of your agents is performing.

How the Right Software Can Help You Run Smoother Operations in Your Call Centre

Manually tracking metrics and creating schedules is a huge time sink—and will make your call centre far from productive. So use software like Aircall, which gives you insights into your call centre's performance and helps you forecast demand, to significantly enhance operational efficiency in your call centre. 

Here’s how Aircall can help you manage your call centre better: 

  • Integrations with your current tool stack: Aircall seamlessly integrates with CRM, helpdesk, and other business software, ensuring all your data is connected. Specific workforce management integrations include Playvox WFM and Surfboard.

  • Accurate forecasting and employee scheduling: Advanced analytics in Aircall help you forecast customer demand accurately and schedule staff efficiently.

  • Real-time monitoring: Real-time call monitoring features allow you to track call metrics and agent performance continuously.

  • Ongoing training and development: Call recording and analytics help you identify training needs and provide targeted development opportunities.

  • Customer-centric approach: Features like call tagging and notes enable agents to deliver personalised and efficient customer service.

  • Efficiency and productivity tools: Automated call distribution and interactive voice response (IVR) ensure calls are directed to the right agents promptly.

Optimise Workforce Management for Your Call Centre With Aircall

Implementing the right software solution, like Aircall, can help you overcome call centre workforce management challenges and optimise your contact centre operations. 

Aircall’s numerous integrations with CRM and helpdesk tools keep all conversations connected, while call routing and IVR ensure calls quickly reach the right team members. Analytics tools track customer communication trends and key metrics like wait times for more accurate staffing and scheduling. Call tags and disposition codes provide context for smarter decisions, and the activity feed allows real-time tracking and coaching.

Investing in Aircall helps you manage your call centre workforce more effectively, leading to improved productivity and higher customer satisfaction.

Aircall helps you manage your call centre better by integrating with your existing tech stack, giving you valuable insights into call centre performance, and boosting your team’s productivity. Try it for free.

Frequently Asked Questions About Call Centre Workforce Management

[H3] What is the role of workforce management?

Workforce management plays a crucial role in ensuring operational efficiency and productivity in call centres. It involves scheduling employees, forecasting call volumes, and managing daily operations to meet business goals. 

By balancing workloads and providing continuous training, workforce management helps maintain high morale and performance among agents while improving the customer experience. 

What is RTA WFM?

Real-Time Adherence Workforce Management (RTA WFM) is an important component of contact centre operations. It involves using a WFM solution to monitor agents' activities in real-time to ensure they adhere to their schedules. 

By tracking adherence, contact centre managers can quickly identify and address deviations, such as extended breaks or unplanned absences. This immediate response capability helps maintain optimal staffing levels to reduce wait times and improve customer service. 

WFM solutions also provide insights into agent productivity and assist in making informed decisions for schedule adjustments. Overall, they ensure that the contact centre operates smoothly and efficiently, enhancing both agent performance and client satisfaction.

What is workforce optimisation in a call centre?

Workforce optimisation in call centres refers to using strategies and tools to better manage your team and enhance overall performance. It involves integrating a workforce management solution to accurately forecast call volumes, schedule agents efficiently, and monitor real-time adherence.

By optimising these processes, call centres can ensure the right number of agents are available at peak times, helping to reduce wait times. Workforce optimisation also focuses on continuous agent training and performance analytics to boost productivity and morale. Implementing these strategies helps call centres operate more efficiently and deliver exceptional customer service.

Better workforce management = better business results
Aircall helps you manage your call centre better by integrating with your existing tech stack, giving you valuable insights into call centre performance, and boosting your team’s productivity. Try it for free.

Published on August 16, 2024.

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