
AI & TranscriptionFor Sales teams

ExecVision ingests, transcribes, and analyzes business conversations to surface actionable data and insights.

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ExecVision Conversation Cards show a timeline of a call or web conference, including any user comments and highlights, talk:listen ratios, and more.
ExecVision Conversation Cards show a timeline of a call or web conference, including any user comments and highlights, talk:listen ratios, and more.
Coaching Plans enable front line managers to quickly identify performance gaps and take action to improve their team’s skills.
Get real-time or trend alerts for conversation activity, keywords and phrases, account and opportunity action, or coachable moments with ExecVision’s Smart Alerts.
ExecVision’s robust search engine allows users to find exactly what they need, while Trend and Pivot creates visualizations of patterns across conversations.

ExecVision ingests, transcribes, and analyzes business conversations to surface actionable data and insights. These insights empower organizations to make better decisions, coach and develop employees at scale, and drive performance improvement - and ultimately, to generate more revenue through better conversations.

ExecVision is leveraged by sales, support, customer success, and quality assurance teams to quickly locate and listen to calls, identify areas for improvement, and provide in-line feedback.

Get Smart Alerts

Customize real-time or trend alerts for conversation activity, keywords and phrases, or account and opportunity action sent via email, Slack, ExecVision dashboards, mobile, Chrome, and/or Salesforce.

See Performance Metrics

Enable agents to understand their own performance, compare conversation activity to team averages, and reflect on their self-review and coaching activity. Managers have an overview of current team performance and trends including a skills heatmap and feedback requests. Executives understand coaching metrics and effectiveness.

Create Coaching Plans

Quickly identify performance gaps and take action to improve team skills. ExecVision’s artificial intelligence recommendations help identify who and what to coach in seconds, so managers can create individualized plans to get each person performing their best.

Make Conversation Libraries

Organize and categorize the best customer conversations to be used in onboarding, coaching and training, as well as for voice-of-the-customer insights for marketing and product teams.


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