Fire Tiger

Data & Reporting

Fire Tiger uses real-time employee performance data, including call data from Aircall, to set personalized goals and boost employee engagement through gamification.

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Fire Tiger
Visualize your overall goals and check your performance and progress each day.
Visualize your overall goals and check your performance and progress each day.
Individual or collective, quantitative or qualitative, short or long term, your goals are personalized according to your department’s strategy and organized by category.
Challenge your colleagues during friendly competitions, organized by your manager or your company and speed up your success.
Reward your employees and teams through a unique and fully customizable marketplace.
Win points, go to the next level, collect all the achievement icons, customize your profile and much more…

Fire Tiger uses real-time employee performance data to set personalized goals and boost employee engagement through gamification. Increase your team's motivation to meet their daily goals. Drive performance and employee commitment.

Key Benefits

Greater collaboration of teams in achieving goals.

Improvement of data quality to drive an increase in user rate of your actual tools (CRM, ERP…)

Innovative management that adapts to the new generations’ needs and expectations.

Prioritize and adjust your teams’ goals quickly and communicate data simply with transparency.


Ready to build better conversations?

Aircall runs on the device you're using right now.