

Sales reps save time with automatic call logging and quick access to the Deal or Contact page. Start calls by clicking on phone numbers in Onpipeline or directly from Aircall.

Made by


Onpipeline™ is a cloud-based, reliable, and scalable Sales CRM (SaaS) that includes a full suite of tools that boost sales productivity and make the sales process more human. Your sales team can easily increase results thanks to automated sales pipeline and great solutions.

Aircall + Onpipeline

Get rid of data entry after phone calls. Sales reps save time with automatic call logging and quick access to the Deal or Contact page.

You can start your calls by clicking on phone numbers in Onpipeline or directly from Aircall.

Key Benefits

All calls are automatically logged in the “Tel” tab of Onpipeline along with key details about the call (with the call recording or the voice message), including whether it was inbound or outbound, answered or missed. Call will be imported only for numbers you already have in the CRM.

All calls will be automatically linked to persons, organizations, and open deals in matter of minutes.

CRM contacts will be automatically imported into Aircall every hour. For every inbound or outbound call you will see a “insight card” including the name of the CRM contact and a link to the contact page.

Notes for all calls automatically sync to the right record making next conversations easier.


Ready to build better conversations?

Aircall runs on the device you're using right now.