
HR & Recruiting

Unify your employee data and systems with the Aircall - Rippling integration. Automatically provide or remove access to Aircall for arrival and departures.

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Unify your employee data and systems with the Aircall - Rippling integration. Automatically provide or remove access to Aircall for arrival and departures.

Set custom provisioning rules

With Rippling, your IT or HR team can benefit from SSO (Single Sign-On) capabilities, and set custom rules to provision or de-provision users to Aircall and your other business tools.
For instance, you could set the integration so that every new employee on a full time contract gets an Aircall account as soon as they’ve their offer letter/ agreement.

Keep all employee information in one place

When an employee’s information changes, you don’t have to update it in a hundred places. Use Rippling to keep your tools in sync.


Ready to build better conversations?

Aircall runs on the device you're using right now.